Automotive Review Blog Ideas: At A Loss? Check These Out

When you are starting a blog, especially an automotive review blog, you want to make sure you have some good ideas and great leads that readers will gobble up. Do you know what you will be reviewing? What is a good jump-off point for an article or two that will really catch readers' eyes? Are you at a loss for ideas (in which case, writing a review blog is an insurmountable task)? Try some of the following ideas to get you started.

Reviewing Test Model Cars

Automotive junkies cannot get enough of new car designs and test model cars. You may have to do some major research to find anything on the internet about test model cars. It is better to attend several car shows where test models are on display and may or may not be fully operational yet. Additionally, you can ask the representatives tons of questions about the test cars, which will help you write a fantastic review blog well worth posting and reading.

Reviewing New Features in New Luxury Cars

Auto-park and park-assist features were huge when they debuted in luxury cars just under a decade ago. Now these features have been updated to the point where you may be driving a totally automated vehicle within the next decade. Unfortunately, most of these features are still found only in luxury vehicles, which means that many of your typical audience can only see, hear, or read about them through your blog. Including the luxury cars with their special features is not a half bad idea for a review blog either.

Reviewing Automotive Recalls

Car manufacturers generally expect the public to hear about recalled vehicles either from the press or from the manufacturer's website. If people do not watch the news consistently or visit car manufacturers' websites, they are not likely to get that information. However, if you choose to write an automotive review blog on auto recalls, the issues presented in the recalled vehicles, and what is being done to fix these issues, that helps your readers stay better informed and get the word out to people who missed the recall notices.

Reviewing One Specific Feature Across All Makes and Models of Vehicles

Some people have a shoe fetish. In the automotive world, this translates to everything from an obsession with tires, rims, hubcaps, and even cup holders. Your review blog could take one of these items, (e.g., cup holders) and review just that across all makes and models of vehicles. Quite honestly, given the number of makes and models of vehicles that exist, you could blog about cup holders for ages before running out of material, by which point the manufacturers would have updated the cup holders in their vehicles and you could start over.
